Thursday, April 19, 2012

Smartphones, tablets to get Android 4.0 in India

Here is a comprehensive list of devices (tablets and smartphones) which are available in India and will get an Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0) update, and the date when they will get that update.
There has been a lot of euphoria in the market about the most advanced Android operating system, which is dubbed as Ice Cream Sandwich. On the same hand, there is a lot of confusion over the availability of Android 4.0 in India as well.
To clear the air, here is a comprehensive list of devices (smartphones/tablets) which are available in India and will soon get the Android ICS. It is to be noted here that currently no phone or tablet, which are available in India, has Android 4.0 ICS.
Smartphones, tablets to get Android 4.0 in India


Google to launch online storage service

You will soon be able to store files as large as 5GB online instead of in PC hard drives after Google launches its "GDrive".

A Google source wrote on the blog "The Next Web" that the company is planning to launch the service mid-next week.

The service will offer 5GB of storage, and appear as an icon on Windows and Mac desktops into which users simply "drop" files, the Daily Mail reported Wednesday.

The service will be a rival to services such as Dropbox, a "cloud" storage start-up recently valued at $4 billion. A Google spokesperson declined to comment on the leak.

The company has long been rumoured to be working on such a service.

Google has spoken about launching a "G Drive" service in the past, but the company has been tight-lipped on the subject recently. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Send Free SMS

Your mobile number:

Send SMS using Stored Procedure in Sql Server

create procedure [dbo].[pr_SendSmsSQL]   
    @MobileNo varchar(12),   
    @smstext as varchar(300),   
    @sResponse varchar(1000) OUT as BEGIN       
Declare @iReq int,@hr int       
Declare @sUrl as varchar(500)       
DECLARE @errorSource VARCHAR(8000)   
DECLARE @errorDescription VARCHAR(8000)        
-- Create Object for XMLHTTP
   EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP', @iReq OUT        print @hr        if @hr <> 0     
      Raiserror('sp_OACreate Microsoft.XMLHTTP FAILED!', 16, 1)        
set @sUrl=''        
set @sUrl=REPLACE(@sUrl,'#MobNo#',@MobileNo)       
set @sUrl=REPLACE(@sUrl,'#Msg#',@smstext)        
print @sUrl        
-- sms code start
   EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @iReq, 'Open', NULL, 'GET', @sUrl, true       
print @hr        
if @hr <> 0     
      Raiserror('sp_OAMethod Open FAILED!', 16, 1)        
EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @iReq, 'send'       
select @iReq       
print @hr        
if @hr <> 0       Begin               
EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @iReq, @errorSource OUTPUT, @errorDescription OUTPUT                SELECT [Error Source] = @errorSource, [Description] = @errorDescription                Raiserror('sp_OAMethod Send FAILED!', 16, 1)       end else Begin    EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @iReq,'responseText', @sResponse OUT   
    print @hr   
    insert into send_log (Id, mobile, sendtext, response, created, createddate)   
    values(0, @MobileNo, @smstext, @sResponse, 'System', GETDATE())endend

Using the Above Stored Procedure and with SMS Gateway API  - simply u can send sms to anybody - its a simple task

Just pass the parameters to Stored Procedure for which number you want to send sms. thats it.

i tested this using Sql Server 2008 with clickatell sms gateway.

Thanks friends This is my first POst